Writing articles with markdown

For a few months now I have been embracing markdown as my note taking tool and recently I have decided to take things further - write a full report in Markdown. Interestingly impulse to do so came from the post discussing shortcoming of the markdown. Adam have a very good point with non-standardised format yet I felt he was mistaken on the HTML front - I never expected markdown to replace web design. Then it stroke me - I did expected markdown to replace Latex with smaller documents.

Perils of Latex

Latex is amazing tool for writing and managing complex documents. I, similar with other people producing PhD thesis or any academic work, can’t imagine working with anything else. I create most of my documents in Latex as well as all of presentations (beamer) and a lot of visuals (tikz).
Yet it is not without some major shortcomings:

Online editors such as ShareLatex and Overleaf will make any work easier. In case of presentations just use metropolis - amazing visuals straight from the box. Just check my uni teaching slides.

Back on the track - initial approach with RStudio

So why do we discuss markdown if I prefer Latex? I am not alone in thinking that best way to produce document is working in pure ASCII yet problems with Latex syntax does prevent proper deep focus. Another nudge came from reading Deep Work by Cal Newport - I decided to focus on writing my next report in distraction free environment.

Testing without RStudio

With limited time (week to go) I decided to use Rstudio as it has a good description of R markdown. Two things I needed to have with my document, that are not part of markdown, where:

Cross references

To create cross references use HTML tag, for example top header would be #<a name="Introduction"></a> Introduction. I can then reference to it using As discussed in [Introduction](#Introduction).


including discussion about adding references.

I followed their approach quite literary with bibtex document created using JabRef and downloaded cls from https://www.zotero.org/styles. All you need now is:

As covered in previous research [@Nicometo2010]. @Nicometo2010 discussed that as well. 
Another aspect have been covered already [@Felder2012;@Taylor2011;@Fry2008].
title: "Efficient teaching to the large class of engineering student"
author: "Lukasz K Bonenberg"
    highlight: pygments
    theme: cerulean
    toc: yes
bibliography: refs.bib
csl: emerald-harvard.csl

Going for dark side (hey, they have cookies…)

A next stage was to create Latex template and kit to Latex. This is when I decided to take short-cut via dark side. With this setting it is extremely easy to output to Word. This ouptut can be modified by the use of templates. All you need to do is to amend the header

title: "Efficient teaching to the large class of engineering student"
author: "Lukasz K Bonenberg"
    fig_caption: yes
    highlight: pygments
bibliography: refs.bib
csl: emerald-harvard.csl

And create output word document. You can then edit document to your liking, rename it template.docx and knit nice looking output. It will also compile any latex equations or included graphics properly.

title: "Efficient teaching to the large class of engineering student"
author: "Lukasz K Bonenberg"
    fig_caption: yes
    highlight: pygments
    reference_docx: template.docx
bibliography: refs.bib
csl: emerald-harvard.csl

Take two - pandoc

Pandoc is a conversion engine behind R markdown and knit. Just to see full picture I decided to compile my document without RStudio directly in pandoc.

Pandoc recognise citations and cross sections as well as utilise docx template. To compile my document you need to use the following command: 1

pandoc ATPreport.rmd --filter=pandoc-citeproc --biblio=refs.bib --csl=emerald-harvard.csl --reference-docx=template.docx --highlight-style=pygments --output=report.docx

Results are same as with RStudio apart from R code reduced to static text. I would strongly recommend playing with pandoc. Amount of different formats it can output is simply amazing. For anybody experimenting with cls styles this repo should be very helpful.


This approach worked really well allowing me to focus directly on writing text (with references) and not being distracted by compiling errors or missing brackets. As I was using RStudio I could also generate few simple plots from data.

What I want to do next is to generate similar output in PDF using Latex. No short cuts this time.

  1. You can replace = with space (‘ ‘) but you can’t mix it - pandoc will throw strange error.

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