First post using Jekyll

##Hello world

Hello everybody,

This is my first post using GitHub and Jekyll. I started by forking Jekyll Now repository on GitHub. I followed this article and all seems to work just fine. With this I don’t need to compile pages on local machine, GitHub will do behind the scene magic for me. Other words, I can blog like hacker. Works well for the start :).

##Tenth Galileo satellite on orbit

Anyhow, today is quite exciting, Galileo is the European satellite system (think GPS but in civilian hands) has increased number of active satellites to 10. Yes, its still long way to 24, but after last 10 years of hiccups its a exciting leap forward.
This launch also marks (hopefully) end of problems with Soyuz rockets. Previous launch has been plagued by freeze of the fuel line, preventing satellites from reaching its proper orbit. It was exciting scientific experiment, as nobody has tested atomic clock in such inclined orbits, but has likely reduced the life of the satellites by 50%. Good thing they are in proper orbit now and can be used for positioning. If you GNSS receiver can receive its signal, that is.

PS. GNSS is umbrella term for satellites systems. Currently we got four: American GPS, Russian GLONASS, EU Galileo and Chinese Beidou. Japan and India are another two nations aiming for their own constellations, with the later becoming very famous for launching first two satellites for faction of cost. Truly amazing feat.

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