Enlighten Us, But Make It Quick

Ignite is a series of fast 5 minute long talks on any topic, from technology to culture to business to philosophy. The goal of the talk is to entertain and educate the audience. The event is either stand alone or part of large conferences. A great example is Scott Berkun one discussing the spirit and technicalities of Ignite.

The most interesting is the layout of presentation: every speaker has exactly 20 slides, which will auto-advance every 15 seconds. This makes it both exciting and intimidating at the same time. As one of my co-speakers, Alistair Croll, put it “its the closest things to stand up comedy in public speaking”. To sum it up, the main selling points behind Ignite are:

Why have I done it?

Strata+Hadoop World is one of the biggest events in the data scientist diary - it is an opportunity to listen to the line-up of speakers and to learn what is on the horizon. This year attending the accompanying Ignite event provided the speaker with a free bronze ticket. I felt this was a great opportunity: not only could I gain access to a great conference, but also try to create a markdown presentation, get very useful public speaking experience and good starting point for networking.

Why should you read this blog

There is already a large number of blogs and articles focusing on Ignite preparation. I felt that adding to this corpus will be useful for two reasons:

The second goal sprang from reading Deep Work by Cal Newport and aim to create a distraction-free environment. To do so I focused on using the very versatilemarkdown, which I use it to write my blog, take notes or create fully working reports in Word, for details see my February post. On this occasion, I wanted to use the same approach to create a fully working presentation. BTW, if you not familiar with markdown, this guide is a good starting point.

Ignite talks take away and advice

Let me start with the takeaways: I really enjoyed my talk - it was stressful yet very rewarding. I met great people and I felt that all the hard work really paid off. My main advice, if you want to do it (and I recommend you do):

How long does preparation take?

It took me about a week to prepare the talk and the split was:

Let’s get down to technical details.

Getting the talk ready

Prepare talk abstract

This should be enough to write a short summary and describe what you are going to present. My abstract can be found on S+H World London Ignite schedule page. Apart from it I wrote 300 words summary.

Getting the presentation ready

As described in the introduction, I wanted to fully replace PowerPoint with markdown, but mostly due to time restrictions (I had just over a week) I decided to go half way: prepare an initial draft in markdown and the final product in Microsoft PowerPoint (and Libre Office). I felt that making a good visual presentation with 15 seconds per slide might be too much of a challenge at this stage. This also gave me the time to focus on rehearsing the talk itself. I would like to note that my work-flow was strongly influenced by Olivia Mitchell’s post.


I used markdown to prepare a mockup of the presentation - first, I split the talk into 4 parts, based on the storytelling example. Then, using text only markdown, I noted one idea per slide. Even if you have an existing PowerPoint presentation I strongly suggest starting from scratch as an Ignite slide deck will be different. I also set up a clock and limited myself to 30 min to finish this task.

The first five slides of my mock up file (outline.md) looked like this:

# Navigation
# Hidden utility
# Example why we use
# Hidden utility

The easiest way to compile a presentation is either to use RStudio or the amazing pandoc. I suggest pandoc and using pandoc -t beamer outline.md -o presentation.pdf to create the PDF presentation.

Talking it through

Presentation voice and writing voice are very different. I use my compiled presentation and stopwatch to talk through my presentation at a slow speed. I used this to fine tune presentation and pin down the main point for each slide. Interestingly, this exercise leads to restricting my talk and making it more focused on the main topic. I changed the text of the presentation accordingly and tested again. It will take a few trials and eventually you will feel that presentation is flowing nicely. Remember the 80-20 rule and don’t overdo it - it should be fit for purpose and that’s it.

Adding graphics

Ignite is a very rapid affair and it takes a lot of effort to make a good looking presentation with text. Once I got my slides’ idea sorted out I focused on making them very visual to:

For graphics I wanted to use either my (or University) art, public domain images or ones under creative commons licence. From experience and Lifehacker post I would recommend:

To maintain proper attribution I have placed links and descriptions directly into my markdown file. In case you lost references, the easiest way to find it is reverse search, for example Google one - upload your picture and similar will be found.

My final outline.md looked like that:

I suspect nobody came here using  traditional maps. The mapping applications are so useful.


it easy to follow directions, allowing us to focus on important parts of the day.
![Dean Hochman/CC BY 2.0](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Arrows_%2816064489288%29.jpg)
Dean Hochman / [CC BY 2.0](https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44742195)


We are transient society, we want to things quick - this is becoming a habit.
Mapping applications act as a butler, leading us to interesting places, allowing to meet friends or see famous landmarks.
The craftsmanship of facade makes us think about humanity brain child behind it. Knowledge as a corner stone.



what drives forward is position provided by the **hidden utility**, working behind the scenes. It allows is to create a lot of amazing applications.

![SomeDriftwood/CC BY 3.0](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Clock_Cogs.jpg/800px-Clock_Cogs.jpg)
SomeDriftwood / [CC BY 3.0](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clock_Cogs.jpg)


32 SV 20,200 km away in MEO. Not so old, created in '70.
Uni fig

Making final PowerPoint presentation

O’Reilly requested a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. As discussed before, I didn’t create the final presentation from my markdown document, I was aiming for distraction free working environment, and trying to make the presentation look good and advance every 15s was too difficult on this occasion.

My final presentation can be found at Slideshare as well as embedded below:

You might notice I put the title and my name on the last slide. I did this to improve the flow at the beginning of the presentation and to give myself time to wrap up and reiterate the main takeaway. Before sending it to the organisers I had practised my talk on two screens. The last few days before the conference I spent practising it.

Rehearsing presentation

Preparing the ground

At this stage of the presentation, your slide deck is completed and you are ready to focus on practising delivering the presentation. As you practice you might notice that certain things don’t work after all. Don’t worry about changing the slides, focus on telling the story. To do so I:

I cannot state it well enough - repetition is a key here. As Jason Grigsby notices you are not memorising your presentation - you are practising delivery and adjusting it on the fly. Five minutes presentation are brutal and you have to be quick on your feet to recover it. To support that I purposely separated notes from slides - I didn’t want to develop any habits.

Finalising the preparation

With those ready:

Delivering the talk

Before the talk

It goes without saying - be there early. Most of my co-speakers had been on pre-conference workshops while I arrived about 20 minutes before agreed time. This gave me an opportunity to wind down, talk to others and prepare mentally. With five minutes you don’t have the luxury of repetition or graceful recovery - give yourself time to get in the peak state. You worked hard for it.

Talk itself

Talks are 5 minutes long so it takes about 40 minutes to run through them and time will fly fast.

**My Ignite lineup**


Take a few minutes after the event to get some feedback. It might be difficult to get it from others - just try to think what you would do differently if you did it again. On my occasion it was:

What next


This post has been also published at the S2DS blog.

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